FOODS or FOOD PREP to Lighten your Pack

There are endless idea’s for reducing pack weight concerning food. Well thought out and using foods that require no cooking. You can also eliminate the need for a stove and fuel. Both items that are considerable weight.

If you can’t do without your morning cup of hot Joe. You pack the stove and fuel for beverages. Then freeze dried meals offer you a wide variety of substantial meals. Though most of the meals are packaged for 2 to 2.5 servings, I often opt to repackage my Mountain House type meals into single servings. I call it Zip Lock Bag cooking. Its all about also doing double duty to reduce weight.

Follow this link to Zip Lock Bag Cooking

One of my favorite trail meals, or no-cook meals involves a gallon zip lock bag, and foil pouch meat such as Tuna or Chicken.

Follow this link to Foil Pouch Meat Meal Kits.
