Riding horses rather than hiking

In 2016 when we started creating our website, riding horses was very limited.  The Official Havasupai Tribe website was not even showing pricing at one time.

Recently it was brought to our attention, this service is once again available.  Info showing up on the Tribes Official Website.

We do caution, you may find old pricing posted at various sources on the internet.  Especially on some tour groups that offer guide services.

We suggest you go to the only official source.  That being the tribal website.


UPDATE Havasu Falls Flash Flood 201807121439

FLASH FLOOD News Release – Havasu Falls/Supai Area

The latest update [As of 07-12-18 2:39 pm local]

The evacuation of all visitors in Supai is still underway. All visitors are being helicoptered out of the Canyon to Hilltop.

Indian Route 18 is open to outbound traffic leaving Supai.  No inbound traffic other than law enforcement is allowed.

At this time, neither the American Red Cross or the National Guard have been deployed (as was rumored).

DPS has a field officer in Supai to assist Tribal leadership in assessing and evaluating the situation.

Authorities are closely monitoring reports from the National Weather Service.

Tourists with confirmed reservations for the coming weeks should contact their travel advisor for more information.  Please DO NOT contact the Tribal Tourism Office at this time.  All phone lines are being used for emergency services.


Tourists Waiting for Helicopter 7/12/18 Permission for photo release through HMA PR by Heather Mitchell



Gator & the Chair is a comical reminder for planning any backpacking trip. Reducing Carry Weight, while gathering gear, food, and necessities for a trip is probably the most important goal to be working toward. Way in advance of any upcoming trip.

I have gone pack heavy on some previous backpack trips. I can assure you, overloading your pack can really ruin, or at least dampen your thoughts, of ever backpacking again.

Click here to view our expanded discussion on Pack Weight & Total Weight

Here is our comical discussion about gear you don’t need. Titled “Gator and the Chair”. Our friend Brian (a.k.a Gator) is a good sport and always has us laughing.  It’s sometimes hard to tell whats really true.  This video is for you that want everything along on your back. We may laugh, but we have all been right here. At one time or another. Or to some degree.



A one day hike in/out, “Day Hikes” in an attempt to see and visit the area or waterfalls are not allowed. You must either have a confirmed overnight reservations for the campground, or Lodge accommodation reservations, to enter the area.  On top of that you have to pay an Entrance Fee as well as an Environmental Fee…..plus 10% Tax.

You must check in at the Camper/Tourist Office in the village of Supai.  That is located about 9 miles into your hike.  You are given a personal Tag or Wrist Band indicating you are paid and checked in.  You can then proceed beyond the village once you have your wrist band or pack tag.

Some of us that live near the general area have asked if we can hike down the first day of reservations (February). Secure reservations rather than going through the nightmare of the phone calling system. Then hike back out that same day. We were told that is a no-no and not allowed either. It would be a long round trip not to secure your reservations you thought you might get.  Or get turned away at some point on the trail because you lack a reservation.

In 2017 visitors hiking in, were challenged at several points along the trail by a local/ranger. You are asked about your reservations and the name of the person the reservation(s) were made under. They have a paper list of all the names for that day. They were turning people around that didn’t match their list.


One of the Tribal rules is no night hiking.  There is also no one day turn-around hiking.

Night hiking applies to the Main Trail, and any other areas.  This applies to hiking in from the Trail Head.  Also Hiking out to the Trail Head.  This applies to hiking the area when set up in the campgrounds.  This also applies to the village.  A walk to the campground pit toilets at night is an exception, if you are camping there.

Even though this should be mostly common sense, you will find some who disregard the rules.

Between the hours of 6pm and 4am you are not supposed to be walking/hiking/backpacking through, or in, Supia Village. You will more than likely be confronted by tribal law enforcement and not allowed to pass into or through the village.  Some apparently are never confronted because we sometimes see stories of people hiking at any given hour.  If you are one of these types you need to be more considerate of others.  If that isn’t possible please at least follow the rules.  This rule was confirmed by one of the locals that works in the Camper/Tourist Check-in office, in the village of Supai.

Should you come into the village at night, at a minimum you will be unpopular with the locals.  It might not be just tribal law enforcement that confronts you.  Be respectful, this is their home.

Some people have no respect, and will more than likely ignore this warning. The main walking path through the village wanders through the locals housing area.  About the time you get their dogs barking after dark, you won’t be too popular. Can you imagine your house right on the path?  Then at night, people  hiking through, with no regard for waking the locals up?

As for tourists wandering off the main path in the village, this is a no no at any hour!  Stick to the main trail.

Please have respect for the people that live in Supai, so they have respect for us that have visited for years without trouble. There seems to be more and more people with no common sense, and someone has to spell things out.

In addition, you must stay on the main trail when hiking during normal hours.  Other trails are off limits and require special permission from tribal authorities to be on them. Remember you are not suppose to be wandering through the residential area off the main trail.

Other area’s such as Tribal Burial Grounds are off limits, at all times.  The locals do not want you taking photos of the Burial Grounds.

If in doubt find Tribal law enforcement or a Tribal ranger to ask.